
We hope you enjoyed visiting Falmouth on your recent cruise.

Please comment about your experience with Falmouth Cruise Ship Ambassadors, we would welcome your feedback.

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77 entries.
Bonita Higginson from Murray, Kentucky wrote on September 1, 2024
The ambassadors were such friendly people and I enjoyed speaking with them. This is a wonderful program and left me with a great impression of Falmouth!
DEIRDRE CLARK from AUSTRALIA wrote on August 31, 2024
Falmouth Cruise Ship Ambassadors were very welcoming and friendly. Special thanks to Bob for organising a 4 hour taxi tour for us to St Erth, Penzance etc.
Lynn Johnson-Moore from Lichfield wrote on August 6, 2024
What a lovely welcome at Falmouth when we disembarked from our cruise ship
What a great idea to have cruise ship ambassadors
Special thanks to Sue and Bob - who organised a taxi for us 😀👍
Jan & Roger Walker from Reigate, Surry, U.K. wrote on June 16, 2024
Dear Friends ,
Just a quick thank you for helping us out in that terrible weather .
Besides smiling you arranged a taxi for us to go up to Pendennis castle and return .
Greatly appreciated and it kept us dry .
Thanks again and we hope your Sea Shanty Festival is a success .
best wishes
Jan and Roger Walker
Judi cuervo from USA wrote on June 15, 2024
What a phenomenal group of people welcomed me to the wonderful Falmouth! So friendly, helpful and knowledgeable especially Robert! You have a terrific team!
Wendy from Sidmouth wrote on June 7, 2024
Excellent reception from the Falmouth CSA, a friendly welcome, questions answered, maps and information given to us all as required.
Many thanks to you all, keep up the good work.
Chris from US wrote on May 28, 2024
We really appreciated the shuttle into town. All the ambassadors were so friendly and helpful. The tent with chairs and Wi-Fi were greatly appreciated—there were even umbrellas available in case of rain ( very thoughtful). The whole experience made us feel very welcome. Thank you!
Steve Garfield from Boston wrote on May 18, 2024
Robert was so helpful before and after our trip into town. It was so nice to have a friendly knowledgeable local to talk to. We have not seen this anywhere else!
A&P Falmouth Docks from Falmouth wrote on December 15, 2023
We attended a meeting in Falmouth’s Council Chamber on Monday. Mayor Kirstie Edwards, past mayor Steve Eva and all of the other councillors were singing the Ambassadors praises about how amazing you are at volunteering for everything, and how our town wouldn’t function without you guys! We were so proud of you all and it was lovely to hear 😊”
Wilfried Eschholz from Berlin, Germany wrote on October 25, 2023
Dear ambassadors,

My wife and I had the priveledge to visit Falmouth 2x in 2023.

In May with the Artania, sailing around GB...
in Oct. again with the Artania, route was western Europe.

Each time in Falmouth we enjoyed talking to the ambassadors..
Now we know, why this group has received so many prices and acclaim.

In May we had a long chat with Peter, in Oct. Phil and others were so kind and sprayed enthusiasm.

Yes, Falmouth is a GREAT place to live...but, travelling around the world, I realize, that there are MANY places which are "great" to live there.
We live in Berlin, Germany, and are happy to live here...and ALWAYS enjoy other towns-cities, such as Falmouth.

All the best for EVERYONE and keep up the good work.

Wilfried Eschholz